Class of 2024 - May the Fourth 😊 - Sitawa Ignited

Class of 2024 - May the Fourth 😊

May 04, 2024

This graduation regalia has been hanging near my exit for the last couple of days as a reminder of God’s goodness and mercy - April 2024
Hi beautiful people,

The countdown is officially over - I graduated today. 

If you have been with me since I started blogging almost 15 years ago (on my now archived blog), you know this is a dream come true.
Earlier this morning waiting for the program to start - May 2024
If you just joined the family, let’s take a walk down memory lane.

I dropped out of Actuarial school at the University of Nairobi, almost two decades ago, due to ill health.

Because God is in the beauty for ashes business, He used my time away from school to get me into the world of blogging and social innovation. I ran a Google award winning blog, and started my country’s first free mental health support line, among other things that I talk about on this post titled my life and work before moving to the US. 

After being a mental health advocate and social entrepreneur for almost a decade, I took a Sabbatical and ended up getting a full scholarship from a school in the US. A few semesters in, life and a pandemic happened, and as the world shut down, I shut down too. I ended up withdrawing from school to sort out some things - and my health.

I later applied, and got admitted, to the school I just graduated from. At the time, I did not know where my tuition was going to come from as I had not yet secured additional scholarships…but God is also in the providence business and He came through as He always does, and He continued coming through, including that one time I thought my academic career was about to end - read more here.
Emblems of the perseverance and victory - May 2024
Today I once again celebrate the fruits of trusting and waiting on Him.

Today, like many times before, I boldly declare that ‘He who began this work in me, has been faithful to complete it’. 

Today I give glory to God, great things He has done…and as we say in Kenya, na bado (loosely translates to ‘we haven’t seen it all’).

Since I am telling all of God’s businesses, He is also in the logistics business, and has already laid out plans for my next steps - hint: digging deeper into psychopathology…will share  more in a future post.

Until then, I pray that this post reminds you that dreams come true, and God will make a way…sending lots of love and light to you all,

PS: Join me in thanksgiving by worshipping along to this song by Dr. Ipyana...Matendo yako kwangu ni mengi, shuhuda zako hazielezeki, bado nanikuamini.

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