We Lost By 2 Points - Sitawa Ignited

We Lost By 2 Points

May 19, 2024

Watched the game at the church work station - congrats Man City for your fourth Premier League win in a row and a big shout out to Arteta and the whole Arsenal team - May, 2024
Good afternoon beautiful souls,

We lost the Premier League by 2 points…that is the first thing that came to mind after the final whistle blew. 

To bring you up to speed - Last Sunday, after we (Arsenal) beat Man U, I mentioned what we needed to achieve this week if we were to break our Premier League dry spell and break Man City's winning streak.

Today was/is Championship Sunday and the league had two final games playing simultaneously - Man City vs West Ham, and Arsenal vs Everton...when Everton scored, my heart sank but we redeemed ourselves. I was also excited when West Ham got their second goal but it was taken away from them....and immediately after, we almost had a goal taken from us but the football gods were in our favor.
Yes I was watching both of them at the work station in church
The Man City game ended two or so minutes before the Arsenal one, and they were declared winners for beating West Ham (3-1) and having the most points. As I watched Arsenal play their last two minutes of the season, I could not help but wonder where we ‘went wrong’? 

I did not stop to think about the positives - like the fact that we won all our games this season save for one draw and one loss, 

I did not think about that amount of work Arteta and the players have done to get us to back on top of the League. We are no longer lost somewhere in there with Man U. We are on the top 2 list, and we have reduced the gap from last year's 5 points to 2 points.

It is interesting how in the midst of continuous success,  we can easily lose sight of the people and things we have in our lives, as we fixate on what we do not have (I am guilty of this).

I am not saying be unrealistic about life, but rather, don’t lose what you have by focusing on what you do not have.

I know Arteta and the boys will be asking and answering those two points questions over the next 3 months - and I cannot wait to see the answers live in action when they get back in August for the 2024/25 season openers.

Speaking of action, I have seen that we have a friendly in LA, with Man U, this July...someone please sponsor a girl, invite me for a talk or to facilitate a workshop, all expenses paid, because I would love to see these frenemies in action - my ultimate dream still remains to watch Arsenal at Emirates Stadium...and now it is a little specific, to watch Arsenal beat Man City at a game or final at Emirates Stadium...God this is now in your hands.

Until these dreams come to pass, I would like to pose a challenge to us all. 

May we be good stewards of the opportunities that we have been granted with, always giving our best however big or small the opportunity is.

May we remember the wins, both big and small, even in the face of loss, especially in the face of loss.

Warm Regards,

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