
Sitawa Wafula’s studying and blogging nook in Downtown Lancaster
My study/blogging nook at the Penthouse aka my Lancaster Apartment 
Hi Sunshine, 

Welcome to Sitawa Ignited, a journal of sorts that documents aspects of my everyday life as I quench my academic curiosities, engage with various forms of art, and go on and on about all things mental health.

My name is Sitawa, a Kenyan mental health blogger in the Historic City of Lancaster. 

My passion for all things mental health was born from my experience of being homebound due to a dual diagnosis of epilepsy and bipolar. I used that experience to not only bring mental health conversations to the forefront in Africa, but to also start a mental health social enterprise that set up and ran my country’s first mental health support line.

The impact of my work got me a Google and BET Award among other awards and recognitions, a couple of fellowships including Aspen Institute's New Voices Fellowship where I am currently a Senior Fellow, and speaking invitations including the UN General Assembly, TED Talks and MOTH StoriesMy opinion pieces on matters health, education and gender have been published internationally by PennLive, NPR, Ms. Magazine, HuffPost and locally in Kenya.

After a little over a decade in the space, I took a Sabbatical and ended up restarting my academic journey, in my late thirties, on the other side of the world. 

I look forward to the adventures God has in store for me - and pray that my posts inspire you to live a life that promotes happiness and holistic wellbeing for you, and those around you...or at least reminds you that it is never to late to start (over).

Sending love and light,
PS: Learn more about me - Hobbies and Life before Moving to US