Ann Kjellberg is Living My Book Reviewer Dreams - Sitawa Ignited

Ann Kjellberg is Living My Book Reviewer Dreams

April 24, 2024

Ann Kjellberg's desk (Image Source)
Good evening beautiful people,

I should be getting ready for bed, so this will be short and quick. 

I just finished listening the latest episode on Think with Krys Boyd (learn more about the show hereon WIFT - the local NPR/BBC/PBS partner station here in Lancaster (yes I have a portable pocket radio - it is the Luhya in me)

Through this almost 20 year old show, Boyd has conversations that make you go "huh, I never thought of that from that angle".

Tonight, she was in conversation with Kabir Chibber, a writer and filmmaker who recently wrote an article for the New York Times titled "Hollywood's New Fantasy: A Magical, Colorblind Past". I have not read the article so will not talk about it, but will paint their conversation in broad strokes - 
how Hollywood is 'remaking' history by diversifying everything in its quest to be inclusive. 


It was such a delight to listen to Chibber that I decided to, in the words of my Research Methods Prof Dr. G, do the Google on him - just to see more of his work.

And that is how I met her,
Or e-met her,
Ann Kjellberg, 
the woman living my book reviewer dreams. 

I actually met the words before her,
Not that she was invisible,
More of, she did not need the spotlight to shine.

The words invited me to watch a short-film on books taking over.
But it was not really about books,
It was about her...at least for me.

As I watched the short film, 
I could not help but think,
this is the life, 
this is what living is all about.

She lives with her books,
Works around them,
Reads and writes reviews about them,
Then introduces them to us via reviews,
Oooh what a life.

Not sure why I am forcing poetry into this but this is how Kjellberg living my dream
1. She runs Book Post, a book review newsletter (I just subscribed - Will 'review' her newsletters once I receive a couple (pun-intended)
2. Her book collection is in a room with has tall windows, and ceiling windows, with a sofa and a cart which she loads with her 'I am reading this next' collection. It is not one of those can be found on Instagram type home libraries...no, it is (just) a room with loads of natural light, a sofa, her work desk and her books...it has loft vibes (only thing missing is house plants - and me).

Ok, I need to go to bed.

Until the next post, be sure to listen to the conversation Boyd had with Chibber (a lot to unpack - sorry I did not do it justice), subscribe to Think with Krys Boyd wherever you get your podcasts...and since we are talking about my book review dreams, enjoy my previous books reviews.

Now let me go and have some real dreams.

Sending love and light,

PS: Saturday is independent (indie) bookstore day here in the US, be sure to show some love to your fav indie bookstores (wherever you are across the globe). If you’d like to learn about some Lancaster based (indie) bookstores that make my heart smile, type the word ‘bookstore’ on the search tab on this blog.

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