On Silent Book Clubs & Summer Reads - Sitawa Ignited

On Silent Book Clubs & Summer Reads

May 25, 2024

sitawa wafula blog - sitawa wafula in Downtown Lancaster
Hello Summer...off to my first set of Summer gigs - Downtown Lancaster, May 2024
Hi Beautiful Souls,

Happy AFRICA Day to all of you...Long live the MOTHERLAND!!! VIVA AFRICA!!! and respective salutations…or is it all protocols observed?

I am on my balcony watching these clouds and debating if I should head out to Reservoir Park for the African American Annual Cultural Event, or call it a day since I have already had an eventful day. 

My day started with a Silent Book Club at the Public Library - by now you all know that my love for the Public Library runs deep - read my library related posts here and here and please support public libraries; go for their events, volunteer your time, donate your coins, and keep showing them so much love. 

If you are in Lancaster, and are looking for an opportunity to show the Public Library some love, mark your diary for the 69th Annual Book Sale, June 10 -12th at F&M - all proceeds go towards supporting the library. If your pocket situation is not the best, there is a half price sale on the last day - Wednesday 12th, or you can sign up as a volunteer.
Got a copy of Things Fall Apart at Marshall Street Book Shoppe - March 2024
The Silent Book Club is a monthly event by the Library. It is a pretty neat concept - you come in with your own book, sit down in a group and read in silence for two hours. When time is up, you can share what you were reading or go home. 

My genre for the Summer is books by African writers.

I started off with Chimamanda Adichie's We Should All Be Feminists earlier this week and talked about it on this post. Today, I started reading Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart. I got this classic African Book for $2 at Marshall Street Book Shoppe, earlier this year. 

Marshall Street Book Shoppe is a tiny store near Reservoir Park that sells used books - and all proceeds help the Lancaster Public Library...do you see a pattern here? Support public libraries...The store is always looking for volunteers and book donations, they resell what is donated - please consider donating your books and time...and buy their books. 

My afternoon plan was to grab something to eat after the Book Club ended, go back to the Library for the screening of Miss Evers Boys, (trailer here) drop by Reservoir Park for the African American Cultural Festivities then call it a day.
Do you think the previous owner is the 'Sex in the City' lady - March 2024
Before the Book Club was over, someone mentioned that the screening had been cancelled. I was too caught up in my reading to follow up on why, but my 2 cents - it did not seem feasible to do a screening when there is a parade and loads of the 'target audience' heading down to Reservoir Park. 

I wanted to catch the screening and participate in the discussion because the film highlights the Tuskegee Syphilis Study where African Americans were not given all the information they needed to fully consent to being part of the study, and when there was a cure for syphilis, they were not informed or given the meds, leading to deaths that could have been prevented. 

You all know I am trying to get myself that Research Professor title, and have been taking some academic research 101 classes (here are my research interests). It goes without saying that I wanted to watch this film from a research perspective. 

More specifically a research ethics perspective, which requires participants of any study to fully understand the study and what is being asked of them before giving consent, know that they can withdraw their consent at any time during the study, and that they have a right to any medical breakthroughs regardless of whether the study is over or not.

Since I did not have to rush back to the Library for the screening, I grabbed some takeaway, dropped by Lancaster Art Vault to see their summer exhibitions (they have studio space for artists, and vendor space for their Summer markers market for anyone looking to sell their crafts).
Grabbed some takeaway from Diyo Fusion next to the Library, then crossed the street to Lancaster Art Vault - they have spaces like the one pictured and you can reach them on the provided info - May 2024
Now I am on my balcony, enjoying my meal as I decide on whether to go to Reservoir Park or stream the movie. If I end up watching the film, I will do a post about it...if it does not rain and I go to the festival, I will update this post.

Until my next post/update, enjoy your weekend...remember to hydrate, to pace yourself and to be safe as you hop from one event to another.

Sending love and light,

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