Did I Just Unlock Dick Wolf’s (Law & Order’s Creator) Inner Circle - Sitawa Ignited

Did I Just Unlock Dick Wolf’s (Law & Order’s Creator) Inner Circle

January 31, 2025

Got a copy of The Execution by Law & Order’s Creator Dick Wolf - January 2025
Hi Sunshine,

Before I share things ‘inner circle’, I want to know whose ancestors were in charge of the nickname docket because for the life of me, I don’t get how Richard becomes Dick - I know it is the same formula used to make William - Bill and Robert - Bob. If I look hard enough I can see how Bill and Bob are related to the full name, but that Richard one - I can’t…and yes I should have asked Siri before typing that out loud but I am giving her the cold shoulder. I was putting together a draft for a post, and asked if Desperate Housewives and Sex in the City aired at the same time and she refused to answer - I still cannot see what is wrong with my question - now imagine me asking about Dick…Siri might just start a revolution and I will be forced to go back to Encyclopaedias and Oxford Dictionary (can’t believe we used to read these things).

Now that we have the name thing out of the way, somehow, let me go to the business of the day.

So on Wednesday evening I was doing what I do most Winter evenings…bundle up and watch Law and Order reruns. This year, there is a new twist - me sitting on my leg because I am officially at that age where if I sit ‘anyhowly’ I will either have to do a whole workout before getting to bed or summon a whole care unit to dig me from bed the next day. I thought migraines were my only issue during the cold season but these bone issues are on another level. 
There is a day I woke up and my right hip/waist area was in so much pain, the only way to ease it was to stay in bed (like a half embalmed mummy). My search history from that morning is on hip replacement surgeries and walkers - my age mates are out there searching for enhancement surgeries and bandage dresses 🤣 and I am out here jumping the queue to the old people section of the catalog - what is this life. Thankfully, I won’t be replacing anything, at least not now…I just need to fine tune my workouts to make sure that I am 1) getting enough blood flow during the cold months, and 2) not letting my muscles get stiff.

So I was watching Law and Order as I balanced on my leg and making sure nothing is getting stiff (this post is beginning to feel xrated) and thinking to myself ‘you know what is better than spending my evenings balancing on my leg watching people pull flip phones? Spending my evenings reading about people pulling their flip phones’. 

I am a books over adapted for TV person. 

So I consulted the wide world web to see if there are any Law and Order scripts or books…and that’s when I unlocked it…the inner circle (you cannot tell me otherwise). Mr Wolf, the producer of all Law and Order franchises, the Chicago franchises and I recently added a new series to my Prime Watchlist, has three books, why I am just learning about this? Was this meant to be a secret, an inner circle thing? The books - The Intercept (2012), The Execution (2014) and The Ultimatum (2015) - are about a NYPD detective Jeremy Fisk (reminds me of Robert B. Parker’s Spenser Series…did a review of one of the books in the series Broken Trust by Mike Lupica)

Fuelled by my excitement, I checked the local library to see if they have any of the books…and you can imagine my joy when I saw that they had not 1, not 2…but all 3 books in their network. I almost forgot about my stiffness issues as I added the books to my cart. Children, this is what life begins at 40 is all about - adding stuff to your cart (ok I know my mates are out there adding real shopping items but free library books isn’t far off…right?)

The next morning, I got out of bed with no incidents (what is this life) and like my new lover, the library had left me a message - an email to inform me that one of the books is available for pick up…the only other messages that beat this type is - ‘your invoice has been paid’ and good old ‘I am thinking about you’. 
Image source
The weather on the other hand was not feeling my joy, and I was not going to venture outside, even for Dick Wolf, so I worked remotely and watched more reruns in the evening as usual. I had to do some work on site today, so I picked the book on the way. I got the second book in the trilogy - the reviews I read said you don’t have to read them in order, so as I wait for Book 1 and 3 to arrive, I will be spending my weekend catching the Arsenal v Man City game, and hanging out with Jeremy Fisk, as I balance on my leg…now this is life.

Wishing you a lovely weekend.

Sending love and light,

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