Of Tree Ornaments and Season LiftUps - Sitawa Ignited

Of Tree Ornaments and Season LiftUps

December 26, 2023

This year I got two tree ornaments - one was a Malala tree ornament that came with this lovely message of gratitude. I help out with the Narcotics Anonymous meetings at my church among other activities (as mentioned here and here)
Hi beautiful people,

I know the holiday season has different meanings for us depending on where we are physically and psychologically (among other factors).

This morning, I want to send love and light to some people (or as church-folk say - lift up a couple of people in prayer). If you think of additional groups or a particular person as you read these short messages, please pause and lift them up. And if you can, please text, call or email to let them know that you are thinking about them - we can all do with those ‘I am thinking about you’ type messages.

I lift up everyone who has lost a loved one this year and is not sure how to navigate this first holiday season without them (think of everyone who is grieving)

I lift up everyone who the holiday season reminds them that they are alone either due to distance (think of international students) or estrangement from family and friends (think of people struggling with addiction)

I lift up everyone who is staying away from others - friends, family and strangers- during the holiday season as a form of self care. May you find peace in your solitude, and if your heart needs company, may you find physically and psychologically safe spaces…and if resolution is a possibility, may there be bridges to help you all ‘cross over’

I lift up everyone struggling to take care of their basic needs as everyone else looks like they are ‘splurging’

I also stand in gratitude with everyone who is healthy, mobile and able to enjoy the holiday season.

I stand in gratitude with those who have celebrations to attend, things worth celebrating and people to celebrate with.

I have been all these people at some point in my life. 

The worst were the years when I’d get a bout of depression towards the end of November, be stuck in the house most of December then feel bad because I couldn’t respond to texts and calls about the holiday season - and the lethargy would drag on until mid January. 
The other tree ornament I got this year was a bell 
And so when I have a good year, a year like this year when my health and community situation are in alignment, I say yes to celebrations. I actually said yes to two dinner parties this year - Christmas Eve and Christmas Day - and I am happy to report that, not only did I attend both parties but I was also present (aka talked a lot and I laughed my heart out). I wish I still had my sessions with Don because this is a report worth sharing, but since our time together has come to an end, I thought to share with you.
I loved these cookies from the dinner party - I just want to frame them 
I have also been laughing a lot lately - and I am loving it. I had lost my laughter and joy, the type that comes from the inside and lingers all day. The one that makes you feel good ‘for no reason’. I am grateful to have those feelings back. More than the fact that it is the holidays, these wellbeing  strides are worth every bit of celebration for me this season.

What strides are you celebrating this season alongside the holidays?

Until the next report,

Sending love and light,

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