PhD Application Status Update
February 04, 2024Hello Spring Semester - The Hub, January 2024 |
Good morning beautiful people - and Happy February to you all.
Over the past couple of months, I have been sharing my PhD Application journey, and my Post Graduation plans. Today, I would like to give another update.
As a refresher, my application journey started five months ago with a narrowed down list of 6 schools, which I modified from school focused to advisor focused. I ended up applying to one school after a lovely correspondence with my potential advisor. My Post Graduation plan (after knowing my PhD application status and finishing my Spring semester) was saying bye to Pennsylvania and moving to a new state.
I got an email on Friday evening notifying me that I did not get into the PhD program. I was bummed about it (still am). I am also bummed by the fact that I need to update my Post Graduation plans - which according to my graduation countdown calendar, should be ready for execution in 2 months 27 days. PRESSURE!!!
After I read the email, and felt the ‘what next’ anxiety start to creep in, I decided to update to my fam and the professors who had done my letters of recommendation, then stepped back from it all.
It was nice to get encouraging notes from those I updated. Interestingly, they all mentioned that there are more opportunities waiting for me.
Back cover of my church's annual report - can you spot my name on the list (remember this card - does it give clarity to the 'title') |
I definitely look forward to finding out what those opportunities are, but that is the future; it will unfold as it is meant to.
For now, I will remind myself of 'little everyday things' that I already have, and that I am grateful for - like being able to serve in church every week and all the warmth I get every single week from the clergy, congregation and community at this Historic Downtown Lancaster church.
I will keep you all updated on the next steps as they unfold...que sera sera, what will be, will be.
Until the next post,
I leave you with the Serenity prayer.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.
Sending love and light,