Joseph & The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Musical: Part 2 - The Musical - Sitawa Ignited

Joseph & The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Musical: Part 2 - The Musical

December 23, 2023

Pullout from the local dailies - December, 2023
This post is part of a three part series; Part 1 - Meet JosephPart 2  - Joseph Musicaland Part 3 - Fulton Theatre 

When the musical starts, we meet Jacob, the four ladies and their boys. Joseph and his brother Benjamin are the youngest of the bunch and are the only sons of Rachel (Jacob/Israel’s Day One). Jacob loves Joseph so much that he gives him a beautiful coat (the amazing technicolor coat). This, and a couple of dreams that Joseph had shared with his brothers earlier on, makes them angry to the point of plotting to get rid of him.

Following the Biblical narrative, the musical shows the brothers selling Joseph off to Egypt where, after a stint in prison, he becomes second in command. Years later, famine strikes Canaan, the land the brothers are in, and they travel to Egypt where food is in plenty (thanks to Joseph’s leadership). They do not know it is him when they bow before him (which is a revelation of Joseph’s dream from years back - that his brothers will bow before him). He later introduces himself, they reconcile and live happily ever after (roll credits).

If you have ever wondered how the Israelites (children of Israel/Jacob) ended up in Egypt pre-Exodus, this is how - came for food, stayed for the vibes.
Image from Fulton Theatre - This was one of my favorite scenes: the brothers were reminiscing about their days in Canaan as they sang 'raise your berets to those old Canaan days'. Listen to a version of the song on YouTube - which doesn’t have anything on Fulton Theatre’s version (loved the Fulton’s ‘Paris feel’, berets and the 'french accent'). 
The costumes and stage mechanics were amazing - the corn field imagery was spectacular

As a caution, if you have photosensitive epilepsy, you might want to skip this one because they use some strong, and sudden, light effects. 

The dancing was also amazing - I can only imagine the auditions requirements, because the people sang, had ballet moves, did some tap dancing, had some Pilates/gym type movements...I lost weight watching them move. 

And the music - that was the best part of it all. I loved the Elvis in Egypt scene (made me laugh), loooooved the brothers walking down memory lane in Paris (where did those Canaan days go...raise your berets to those Canaan days) and the Caribbean vibes - Benjamin Calypso - found a version on Youtube (see below) but it has nothing on what Fulton gave us...these songs live rent-free in my head.
Though it was based on the Biblical narrative, the main theme as expressed in most of the songs is living up to our childhood dreams.

Now that we have met Joseph and talked about the Musical, lets talk about Fulton Theatre

See you on the next post.

Sending love and light,

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