July 2023 - Sitawa Ignited

House with the Bright Red Door, I Wonder

2 years ago by Sitawa Wafula 0 comment
Something about this bright red door always fascinates me - took this pic a couple of weeks ago...finally getting round to writing about it (Lancaster, June 2023)House with the Bright Red Door, I...

Recommendations by the Episcopal Church's Task Force on Individuals with Mental Illness

2 years ago by Sitawa Wafula 0 comment
May church be one of those places we feel like ourselves - 'Fooling around' in church (Dec 2022)Good evening beautiful people,Hope you had a lovely day. Before calling it a day, I would like...

Thinking of Reworking my Essays into a Proposal for PASSHE 2023 DEI Summit

2 years ago by Sitawa Wafula 0 comment
Please Note: This is a long post - it has updates of my application process and response from the selection committee. Good evening beautiful people,Hope your Tuesday got to a lovely start. Mine was busy...

Garden to Table: Of Blackberry Pie-Making and a Sweet Elderly Couple

2 years ago by Sitawa Wafula 0 comment
First pie making lesson  - Thank you CHGood evening beautiful souls,I am winding down my day with some awesome left-over Blackberry pie - which I learnt how to make yesterday - and reminiscing on today's...

APA Conference Announcement + Free Membership

2 years ago by Sitawa Wafula 0 comment
APA 2023 Promo Poster (Image from APA FB page)Please Note: This is not a sponsored postHi beautiful people,I hate to admit but at some point in my life, I was one of those people...