House with the Bright Red Door, I Wonder - Sitawa Ignited

House with the Bright Red Door, I Wonder

July 26, 2023

Something about this bright red door always fascinates me - took this pic a couple of weeks ago...finally getting round to writing about it (Lancaster, June 2023)
House with the Bright Red Door, I wonder.

I wonder what things look like behind this allure you present to the world.
Do you hold other bright solid things back there,
Or is this brightness where your beauty begins and ends?

House with the Bright Red Door, I wonder.

I wonder about the people who own you,

Is the lady of the house as attractive and eye catching as you are?
Does she wear her lipstick as bright as you do,
Or is she is more of a red nails, or perhaps a red bottoms, woman?

And the man of the house, is as he solid and firm as you are?
Does he make people stop, and stare, and even dare to ask for a photo?
Or does the gentle man in him leave all these things for you?

House with the Bright Red Door, I wonder.

I wonder about your intentions.
Is your brightness meant to draw us closer to you, 
Or does the red try to warn us not to come near you?

House with the Bright Red Door, 
Just to be safe,
I walk past you yet again, 
as I wonder.

I wonder what it would happen if I put my hand on your knob,
Will you transport me to a world of beauty I have never seen before?
Or will I forever wish that I continued living in this world of wonder?

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