Dear Cute Guy from last week

February 28, 2025

Took this pic early today to showcase these earrings I am selling on my online shop- February 2025
Dear Cute Guy from last week,

I got your text this evening.

It made me excited.

When we met last week at a client’s job,
I thought you were cute
But the encounter was brief
And life happened.

Then you texted.
And I was about to start planning our wedding.
Only to learn that I should have stuck to my usual routine.

Some might argue that my own thirst got me here
But I disagree hence this letter,

I write to inform you that it is very inconsiderate of you to be cute, to text me on a Friday evening, and to use words like lovely night in your sign off.

Next time you want to commend my work,
Send an email during business hours with official salutations,
Use Business English words in your sentences, 
And when signing off , do not wish me anything, just drop the mandatory Warm Regards and be done.

✌🏾 (mscheeew).

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