Girl About Town - Oct 14, 2024

October 14, 2024

Girl around town - Lancaster, October 2024
Good evening friends,

Hope you had a lovely day. 

Today I want to share about blogs I like, and try out a new thing here - a day in my life type post. 

Favorite Blogs
A blog by a 94-year-old guy here in Lancaster who who shares weekly movie reviews. He just hit the 600 review mark! I discovered him through local dailies, and his story is inspiring—he started sharing reviews via email before moving to a blog. 

This blog reminds me of my dad aka warehouse of information. In my eyes, this guy knows everything about everything in Lancaster - and always starts his posts with the words ‘it was an ordinary day’ before diving into fascinating local facts. 
Loooove this tweed piece, wore it almost every day in the winter/spring - Lancaster, April 2024
3. The third guy is in Europe and writes about navigating every day life with a mental health diagnosis - as an older person. I found him after I thrifted a tweed jacket and wanted to know more about the brand…and stayed to follow his mental health journey.

Reflection on the Blogs

I see a pattern here, guess I have a type. 

Now to find a dating app that has old men who blog (that sounds very wrong…feels like a nasty fetish I should not say out loud). On the real though, beside the fact that they blog about things I like and talk about on this blog - TV/Movies, Lancaster and Mental Health. I also love how they care less about the algorithm and everything else that sucks the life out of simply having a corner in the wide world web where you can be yourself (your people will find you).

It is also something I love about Google’s Blogger platform (which is where they are all based)…I think it is the only platform (or maybe one remaining few) that has stayed true to what blogging was when it started…how it was back in the day before we were all told that we should not just write for writing sake, but should shorten our pieces (aka summarize our thoughts because no one has time to take the stroll you want to take them on), and fill them with buzz words, oooh and make sure there are SEO friendly...ooh and have a goal that in line with moving from hobby to an entity, a brand that not only generates income through brands and collabs, but also being the center of attention by having viral content (that was exhausting to type out).

As I read through the latest entries on my fav blogs, I started thinking about how much I miss the good old days when we did a day in my life posts that did not start with us waking up, doing our make up, positioning cameras, then jumping back to bed ‘to start our day’. We just shared things that truly made us happy, and not curate what we thought would make us look like we were happy.

So in honor of those good old days, and good old men I follow here on Blogger, I decided to do a day in my life of sorts, the good old way.

My Day Today
Started the day with YouVersion’s verse of the Day - this reminded me of the good old days when getting saved was the center of our faith, a badge we wore with pride…nowadays we just want to be 😎

I am doing my second academic poster in two weeks, so my plan for the day was to ship a client’s order and read through some academic papers...but first a Latte from Prince St Cafe

Then went to the Post Office but it was closed - didn’t know today was a holiday of sorts
Passed by the Library and it was closed too - took the time to do a quick search on Indigenous People's Day because at the post office, the first post that came up when I googled October 14 holidays was Columbus Day.

We actually have a stature of Christopher Columbus behind the Lancaster Courthouse (which the internet says has been subject to a couple of protests)  
I am not the best person to give this history lesson but will try to give my best summary. So, October 14th was initially Columbus Day aka the guy who apparently ‘discovered America’. The day was recently changed to honor the people who owned the land aka Native Americans before Columbus and his crew got here. 

Here in Lancaster there were a couple of Native American tribes. I know the Susquehanna River, which is one of the big rivers in this region is named after one of the tribes. I have also heard or read that the last members of one of the other tribes were massacred by a group of white vigilantes called the Paxton Boys. The tribe has taken refuge in the basement of the Old Jail (Old Jail later became Fulton Theatre - which I blog about a lot). The vigilantes came in and killed all of the tribespeople (there are a lot of materials talking about this including a couple of videos talking about how the theatre can be spooky **).

Back to Prince St Cafe where I started my errands, and which happens to be directly opposite the theatre. 
Had to take a pic of these shoes. The owner was in-front of me at the cafe (asked for permission) - they mentioned the brand name these were trying to live up to. Checked them out and the original version of these split toe kicks = $1,000+ depending on style…moving on swiftly

Took this on the way to the post office...clearly Lancaster is not a Historical town for nothing…this is on North Prince Street. They tore down the building but preserved the front …there are a lot of buildings with this vibe, and cannot wait to see what they build here.

Since the Post Office and Library were closed, I went back home, and did some student stuff (reading and writing), then some work stuff.

Made dinner, watched a movie, now I am blogging before reading a chapter from Sam Irby’s wow, no thank you…and calling it a day (I read a chapter a night). If you are new here, she also runs a blog that I loooove (she is not on Blogger so I get her posts via email)...Spoke about her, her blog and her latest book, Quietly Hostile, on this post.
Thrift find from a couple of weeks ago - Lancaster, September 2024
Grateful for today.

Not sure if I will do another day in my life type post soon...will decide after re-reading this one of a lazy afternoon. 

Until then…have a lovely evening...and remember going old school is also a vibe (with mental health benefits if I might add).

Sending love and light,

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