August Check In - Sitawa Ignited

August Check In

August 05, 2024

Hello August - At the Penthouse aka my Lancaster Apartment, July 2024
Good morning beautiful people,

Feels like just the other day I was working on my Winter Happiness and Wellbeing class projects. One of our assignments was a Happiness Visual Board. I included general things that would be nice to have/experience - remember my post on Happiness, acquiring possessions vs having experiences - and forgot about it after the class.

Eight months later, during my quiet time, I remembered that visual board assignment so I decided to pull it up and look at the things I had included. I couldn’t help but notice that some things had come to pass.

One of the many things we learnt in that Winter class was the impact of gratitude on our happiness and wellbeing. So this August check-in is a gratitude post for the things that have come to pass - and brought me joy from January to the end of July.

I am grateful that my desire to experience the process of preparing and presenting an academic poster came to pass,

I am grateful that I finally graduated (I dropped out of Actuarial School almost two decades ago - more info on my TED Talk), 

I am also grateful that I am spending more time at His feet - I am going strong with what has become my monthly fasts (remember the first one in April). I have been praying like never before, my  tithing has moved from the ‘would be nice to do’ list (hello everyone on a student budget) to the top of my STUDENT BUDGET (not sure why I am shouting).

Y’all remember me mentioning anxiety and needing assurance a couple of times - well I have more clarity now, and it feels like I have been receiving more revelations, signs and wonders lately...the invitation to revisit that visual board during my quiet time is one of those revelations, signs and wonders. A reminder that He knows, He sees, He hears, He comes through.

I am grateful that I got to teach for 3 Sundays at church. 

I am grateful about this place, this season. Truth be told, I truly love it here - and I look forward to seeing what God has in store for my life journey.

As I give thanks for the fulfillment of some of the things on my visual board, it is my prayer that you get opportunities to consistently practice the spiritual disciplines that connect you best with God, and the plans He has for your life, and those you are called to minister to.

…may your prayer life be renewed, 
…may your Bible study time be enriched, 
…may your fasting open your spiritual eyes and ears, 
…may your tithing be cheerful, 
…may your fellowship be edifying, 
…may your resting be refreshing, 
…may the revelations, signs and wonders be the compass you use to navigate your life,
…may any and all the ways that connect you to God, yourself, others and the work He has given you be amplified for the glory and honor of His name.

Mt 6:33 asks us to seek Him and His righteousness first, and all these things (visual and vision board things included), shall be added unto us.

Until the next check in, 

Sending love and light,

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