On Golden Ticket Upgrades, and Fulton Theatre's Charlie & The Chocolate Factory Musical - Sitawa Ignited

On Golden Ticket Upgrades, and Fulton Theatre's Charlie & The Chocolate Factory Musical

July 11, 2024

Was upgraded to the front row for last night’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory musical at Fulton Theatre - July 2024 
Good morning beautiful people,

I went for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Musical at Fulton Theatre last night (the musical is based on a 1964 book by Roald Dahl, and there was a 1971 film dubbed Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory, a 2005 film starring Johnny Depp and a 2023 film dubbed Wonka - I have not watched any of them). As I was easing into my ‘budget friendly’ seat, this couple comes up to me and another lady who was alone and ask if we could like to be bumped up - at no extra cost - to the Orchestra  section aka front row seats (which are like triple what we paid). They had complimentary tickets for Wednesday 10th but didn’t have people available to tag along with them - and so the tickets/seats were ours if we wanted them. Of course we said yes, and I promise you, I cannot tell you much of what happened during the musical because I was spiritualizing things the entire time. 

FYI, this post is part spiritualizing, part review.

You see, there are things I am trusting God for. 

So when this couple came from the ‘best seats’ in the house, to the ‘student budget friendly side of the theatre’ to not only offer us tickets but to also usher us to the front row, of course a couple of Bible verses ran through my mind. 

I am currently reading 1 Samuel and so I quickly recalled how Saul was out looking for his father’s donkeys and ended up being the guest of honor at a pre inauguration party he knew nothing about (he had no idea about the party and the fact he would soon be king over all of Israel). I also thought about Jesus talking about humility and waiting to be ushered to the front. Lord knows I have been standing on business and standing with humility (or should I say I have been humbled by this back to student life journey).
Took this when I was at the library for the silent book club - been meaning to go for the show but been caught up building my new venture - Lancaster Public Library, May 2024
But I am ready for my Golden Ticket.

For reference (sharing the Fulton Theatre version), Charlie and the Chocolate Factory musical is about this dude called Wolly Wonka who owns a chocolate factory that seems to be closed/non-operational, and Charlie Bucket, a young boy who has heard stories about the chocolate made by Mr. Wonka and dreams of meeting him/visiting the factory. 

Unbeknownst to Charlie, and the rest of the town, the local candy stand in his city is actually operated by Mr. Wonka himself. After hearing Charlie’s dream, Mr. Wonka decides to put 5 golden tickets in his chocolates. Those who get the tickets will have a chance to tour his factory and get a lifetime supply of chocolate. Charlie, like thousands of other kids, wants to win one of the Golden Tickets but his family is too poor to get him a chocolate bar. They pull their resources together to get him one for his birthday but it doesn’t have the Golden Ticket. 

Meanwhile, winners are making headlines on the local news - aka Chocolate News. 

When the fourth winner is announced, Charlie is distraught. He cannot see how he will get the final ticket (unless a miracle happens - that is my add-on). The local candy store guy, aka Mr Wonka (who is undercover), decides to give Charlie a dollar, and drops a chocolate bar with the last ticket in the vegetable vendor’s cart (Charlie always bought veggies for his family on his way home from school). He uses the extra money to buy the chocolate bar, gets the ticket, and is he excited about going to the factory...and finally meeting Mr Wonka.

Fast forward, all the other kids do not follow the various instructions given by Mr Wonka, and they end up losing their chances of getting a lifetime supply of chocolate. Charlie is the only one left, and instead of getting a lifetime supply of chocolate, he is given the factory (to make his own supply I guess). THE END!!! (of the musical)
Pre-upgrade view - was minding my business, listening to the pre-show announcements, not knowing there were some front row seats with my name on them - Fulton Theatre, July 2024
Back to me wanting a Golden Ticket. 

I am ready to move to the part I get my Golden Ticket.
I am ready to move from the 'waiting line' to the 'best seats in the house'.
I am ready to be ushered into the factory,
...into the promise, 
...into what I have been waiting for, praying for, fasting for, believing for.

Yes I know that the musical is a made up story, and that anyone could have gotten an upgrade, in fact airlines upgrade people all the time, right? Still, I cannot help but think about the encouragement both Charlie’s trajectory, and the upgrade gave me. I have been talking a lot about assurance a lot (mentioned it during my fast summary and my breakfast meet up with Dr RR) …and I would be telling lies if I said this waiting and being humble part of the journey is a smooth sail. 

(Yo, Hannah, Mama Samuel, how did you do it?)

I am constantly checking in with God, like C.O.N.S.T.A.N.T.L.Y checking in...constantly asking, are we there yet, constantly checking the coordinates to make sure I am on the right path...and He is constantly bringing things and people my way to affirm me. 

My Golden Ticket might be a lifetime supply of chocolate (not that I would want that, unless chocolate is a metaphor), but it is worth the wait...what God has in store for me is worth the wait.

Speaking of Golden Tickets - did you hear about Glasgow's Willy Wonka disaster. It was on the news a couple of weeks ago - if you want a shorter version of what went down, just search for Glasgow's Willy Wonka, or watch the video below for a longer version (16 minutes long - not 60).

If you are into theatre, and are in the area, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is the last show for Fulton Theatre's 2023/4 season - closes on Sunday 21st July, 2024. Should you see it - well I may be biased because I was out there having my own spiritual experience to give it as much attention, and I maybe be comparing it with other shows too much, but it is not among my favorites. 

Fulton Theatre will, unfortunately, not have its Summer Stories of Diversity Festival, but promises to offer us a Blockbuster 2024/5 Season. As usual I am hoping to go to most of the shows but we all know how that story goes. I did not go for as many shows as I had hoped to this season but the ones I showed up for were AMAZING!!! - here are my reviews: Joseph & The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, It Happened in Key West, and 9to5. I read Tuesdays with Morrie with the intention of watching the show but school made things tricky for me.

If like me you are hoping for a Golden Ticket of sorts in school, work or family, I pray you don’t lose sight of the ‘small upgrades’ happening around you. They are the relay sticks we all need to remind us not to drop out of the race, the dollar that Charlie got after missing the ticket the first time, the bar that was dropped in his veggie vendor's cart. Hebrews 11 starts by defining faith as the assurance (that word again) of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. 

My friends this is what this faith thing looks like in practice…don't give up. Though it tarries, it shall come to pass at its appointed time, at the right time, the Lord will make it happen...that 'upgrade', 'Golden Ticket', 'lifetime supply', it is all coming to pass, for the common good of God's people...so don't give up.

Wishing you all an upgraded day.

Warm Regards, 

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