Report from my July Teaching Assignment, and the 'After Party' - Sitawa Ignited

Report from my July Teaching Assignment, and the 'After Party'

July 22, 2024

This was the second session, and that is my grandma's pic on the screen...was speaking on the themes and perspectives of African Women's Theology - July 2024, Lancaster (Photo Credit - Monique)
Good morning beautiful people,

Since I did a post to share that I will be teaching a 3 part series on African Women TheologiansI thought it best to bring back a report.

I did the last installment yesterday morning - and it was bitter sweet. The conversations were so enriching that we did not want it come to an end. But as my people say, kilicho na mwanzo kina mwisho (what has a start, has an end).

Key treasures:
1. I learnt a lot more about myself, my continent, and the interaction between Christianity and African religions, culture and theologies. 
2. I found the process of researching, praying and preparing for the sessions to be edifying. 

That being said, I do not know how preachers do this every single Sunday of the year - and sometimes a couple times a week. I was not preaching per se but praying about what to teach, researching, getting Biblical context, preparing for the sessions then delivering is EXHAUSTING!!! (Now I see the verses in Luke about Jesus always 'sneaking away' for some ‘me-time’ in a whole new light).

Before we go on, I would like to pause and pray for all preachers, mentors and teachers:

May God continue filling your lamps, 
May He surround you with people to help do the admin work and any other tasks that might derail your preparation process, 
May you be open to mentoring those behind you and partnering with those beside you to keep burn out at bay.

...and most of all, may you operate from a position of rest. 
May you religiously take those Sabbaths and periodic vacations.
May you grab all the opportunities to rest your mind, body and soul that present themselves in your everyday life.
Ready for Big Boy Brass Band's concert at tellus360 rooftop - July 2024, Lancaster, PA
I know that ‘sneaking away’ is not a luxury everyone can afford, but I pray that the Lord shows us simple everyday things that allow us to get some down time, some alone time, some replenishing time, some putting our legs up time. That He also shows those of us who can afford the luxury, how we can stand in for others so that they can enjoy it too.

My replenishing well over the last three weeks including yesterday was going straight to my bed after teaching. 

And let me tell you how those afternoon naps ‘slapped’ differently.

After yesterday’s nap, I went for a late lunch and rooftop concert at tellus 360 - my fav Lancaster band (Big Boy Brass Band) was playing. This was my little way of celebrating a job well done, and to replenish…did a YouTube short of this ‘after party’.

Wishing you a week full of 'sneaking away to rest' moments, and insights on how to stand in for others while they fill their cups.

I also look forward to many more opportunities to teach. 

Sending love and light,

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