Good evening beautiful people
...and Happy First Day of Summer (even though it feels like Day 100 of Summer, because what is this HEAT!!!!)
Hope you are keeping cool wherever you are.
I am dropping in to share some cool Summer news :)
If you have been here for a while, you have heard me mention the Forum Hour at my church in either this post about my fav church events or this one about the Fall Season/the Book of Judges.
Screengrab of my church's Forum Series Cover |
If you need a refresher, or if you are new to my blog, Forum Hour is the hour between the end of the first service and the beginning of the second one (9.30 - 10.20am) where the church’s resident theologian does a series on various topics. The current series ends at the end of this month, and I have been asked to fill in for the first three Sundays of July.
I chose to teach about African Women Theologians because 1) in Yemi Alade's words nowhere be like Africa, nowhere be like home, 2) there are loads of 'church father' stories and who is going to talk about the supermamas from the motherland if it aint this girlie, 3) the group of women I will be discussing are ninjas in Biblical stuff - I shared that I use the African Bible Commentary during my Bible Study, well a couple of the women I will be talking about contributed to it, alongside many other things that I could go on and on about, but I am saving all that for my lesson plans and the sessions in July.
Since I cannot cover everyone, I will be focusing on some of the women who are part of the Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians aka The Circle - which particularly appeals to me because of its quest to 'marry' religious walk with seeking justice. This pan-African organization was started in 1989 at a meeting of about 70 African women, that was convened in Ghana by Ghanaian theologian, and powerhouse, Mercy Oduyoye (Google her).
I have not been in teacher mode for a hot minute (pun intended). Come to think of it, the last time I built a curriculum of sorts from scratch - and taught a class - was when I was prototyping my mental health academy. I am, however, excited to prepare for the sessions and share about the beautiful continent of Africa, and introduce some of our resident theologians.
Allow me to fuss for a second, I can see the Rector's hands on that "TED Talk Speaker" add-on to the blurb I sent (sometimes it feels off to add things I no longer do, like yes it is me but it is not me right now). Also wanted Mercy Oduyoye's pic to go with her words but they pulled an old pic of me. Wheeew, saw this one and it took me back. This was taken a few years ago when I was a new member - had just gotten back to going to church after months of grieving the death of one of my pillars (my full face can tell you I was not leaving my apartment for nothing other than food and tissues) - but look at God, though I have slipped a couple of times, I have not gone under or been out of the scene for a while now, and for that I am grateful.
I am also grateful that I am getting ready to go back to teaching. The Forum Hour sessions are in person and live via Zoom, and recordings posted on my church's forum page.
I will update this post with the weekly recordings once they are up.
Until then, drink loooooads of water, do not be out in these streets unless you have to...and if you have to, make it snappy because heat exhaustion/heat stroke are REAL!!!
Sending love and light,
I just remembered that the last time I worked on a curriculum was actually during COVID (those years almost feel like they were lumped up into one) - when I taught about spiritual disciplines. When everything was shutting down and churches/fellowship could not happen in person, a couple of people from back home who are based here started Mount Zion - a prayer/Bible study line - and asked different people to lead prayer/Bible study.
The first time I led, I did a sermon was on Jeremiah 29 aka Letter to those in Exile (a lot of time we run to verse 11 and shout at all the plans God has for us, forgetting the tasks we are asked to perform in verse 1-10). After that sermon, I was invited to do a regular series - every other Saturday evening. I decided to dedicate the time to teaching about spiritual disciplines as seen in the Bible. I would love to teach that series, and many others, again.