A Weekend of Shakespeare's Macbeth & Elton John's Songs - Sitawa Ignited

A Weekend of Shakespeare's Macbeth & Elton John's Songs

November 11, 2023

Selfie with the Saturday Night Mass poster take 5 -  Downtown Lancaster (Nov 2023)

Good evening beautiful people,

Just finished serving at the monthly Saturday Night Mass at my church and the Mass was so amazing, I wanted to share.

Before we talk all things liturgical, I would like to give a shout out to Arsenal for the amazing game this morning. Though my people - Saka, Odegaard (didnt play) and Nketiah were not on the score board, Zinchenko showed us why he is on the team with that air kick that took us back to the top of the league...ok we will be on top if Chelsea beat Man City tomorrow and Man City does not score...also have my eye on that Liverpool v Brentford game.
Full time: Arsenal 3 - Burnley 1

While we are still talking about things that happened before tonight’s Saturday Night Mass, let us go back to yesterday evening when I braved the cold to catch the second last night of Shakespeare’s Macbeth at the Clair Performance Hall, Winter Center - Millerville (15 minutes drive from Lancaster).
The Clair Performance Hall entrance, Winter Center, Millersville - Can we talk about how it looks like it is midnight when it is only 6pm? 

I currently live in a Historical-ish town called Lancaster, and as mentioned before, the arts and gallery type things are among the biggest things here. Besides the plays we had to watch in High School as part of our English and Swahili Literature readings, I have never been much of a theatre person. 

But since moving here, I have become so hooked...and I look forward to new releases at the Fulton Theatre, which is the main theatre here in Lancaster (will do a piece on it) and I maximize student discounts and preview days (when the cast do the full play, as part of their rehearsal, to an audience that pays want they want).
Got my ticket...let's watch this play
So it goes without saying that when I saw the Clair Performance Hall at the Winter Center, Millersville would be bringing Macbeth aka 'The Scottish Play' (to mark its 400th anniversary) to their stage...and they had student rates, I could not let the opportunity pass me by.
Before the play started
Here is my watered down version of the play, that I am sure will make Shakespeare and his 'followers' cringe. 

The play is about a dude called Macbeth, who is a warrior. He is friends with king at the time, King Duncan, the King of Scotland (where this play is set). And they hang out at each other’s homes every so often...and even have sleep over - like friends do (I guess). 
One day after battle, when Macbeth was on his way to see the king, he meets three witches who tell him that he will be king. This sends him into ambition mode as he tries to be the king by all means necessary. He ends up killing King Duncan and a couple of other people. He becomes king but it is not a smooth reign. The witches keep visiting him, and the 'nobles' start whispering because he is always talking to himself and shouting at people no one else can see.

His wife, Lady Macbeth, who helped cover up her husband's tracks when he killed the king in their house, is also involved in a couple of murders - and an infanticide. She, too, starts seeing and hearing voices and eventually, 'runs mad' and later kills herself (it happened off screen)…Fast forward to the end, Macbeth is eventually defeated and beheaded. Again I mention that this is a very watered down summary but I hope you get the gist of it - ambition, greed, and their consequences (and loads of killing).
A word from Jonathan Stayer -  the play's director

Without even trying, I kept on seeing parallels between the play and the early 2000 Nigerian movies. I know this is supposed to be a quick roundup of my weekend, and not a Literature analysis session, but hear me out …this plot is what 90% of  early 2000s Afro-cinema movies were made of. Someone is living their lives, a ghost appears or they become greedy or ambitions or jealous, then they do something (mostly put poison in someone’s food) to gain some form of mileage(a job, a wife, a husband, a baby) but their life is not smooth afterwards. They or their families are haunted by their deed and eventually someone becomes 'mad’ and starts chasing cars on the streets. 

As someone who is in the mental health promotion side of life, I always had an issue with this plot. Mostly because a lot of people who struggled with their mental health equated it to something superstitious or a curse for God/or the gods. Macbeth's story includes witches and how life ends for him and his wife can be said to be a curse for what they did. But can we conclusively say that they had psychological issues because of the witches, because of a curse, because of their actions? Or should we dive deeper both in this play and the countless of Naija movies that used a similar story line to show how people end up mental illness? From the 15 years I was active in the mental health scene in Africa, unfortunately the former wins every single time.
Mini posters for the event
I am tempted to explore these parallels deeper but that is a post for another day. Today we are here for a weekend round up, so let us wind up with this evening's Saturday Night Mass which featured music from Elton John.

I talked about Saturday Night Mass in My Fav Events at This Historic Church in Downtown Lancaster. And to quote directly from the post - Saturday Night Mass "is hosted at 5pm on the second/third Saturday. It is a normal mass with a twist; instead of having ‘normal hymns', we have music from 'famous' musicians curated by local bands".

I was serving today...Part of my serving included taking the bulletins from the Parish House to the main sanctuary before Mass

The prayers we shared during the Mass - I pray that you take time to pray them or say your own this week

This song reminds me of Princess Diana's funeral (I think it was) - the lyrics instead of Norma Jeane, he said England's Rose...I think that was the first Elton John song that stuck with me

Clearly I had a very 'English Weekend', from Macbeth, Arsenal and Elton John...and I enjoyed it all the way. As I was doing my Bible Study this morning, I was reminded of the second part of John 10:10 where Jesus says that he came so that we can have life more abudantly. Abundance means different things to different people, and it can mean different things to us, at different times. 

I am slowly embracing that what abundance looked like and meant when I was a successful mental health advocate/social entrepreneur is very different than what it means when I am a fulltime student abroad. I was very resistant for the longest time about finding joy and fulfillment in the 'little things'. 

I am glad that I am now at peace with the fact that I do not have to be on advocacy mode 24/7 (though I almost went there with this post).

I am glad that I am now at a place where I am ok about sharing a weekend of catching plays, watching a football match and singing along to Candle in the Wind in church. 

I am glad that I am now embracing this other definition of 'having life in abundance'...'having life in full'.

How is your weekend coming along?

Until my next adventure,

Sending love and light,

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